Welcome to the new look TSL SynBio website.
All of the content from the original website has been reproduced here, including the database of available vectors/parts.
As the original database was 'frozen' to allow transfer of data to the new site, vectors created in the last few months are still to be added and thus the database will be updated over the coming weeks. If you are looking for a vector and can't find it on the site, drop Mark Youles (mark.youles@tsl.ac.uk) an email and he'll be able to help you out.
For the time being many of the vectors will show a concentration of zero - this doesn't mean that we have no stock, it's simply that this info will be uploaded in due course.
Any questions, please contact either Mark Youles (email above) or Simon Foster (simon.foster@tsl.ac.uk)
Happy cloning!